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BasinDealsEveryone loves a great deal, but who has the desire to carry coupons or hope that your local merchant might be offering a deal through a national app? You want a FREE app that pushes you the best deals in the Permian Basin.
The pub down the street, your favorite restaurant or any local merchant or retailer – they have deals and offers for you and BasinDeals is the only definite way to make sure that you’re finding the best coupons, offers and deals in the Permian Basin.
Our FREE app is the best place to find where to eat, shop and play locally. Local people, local places, local prices, local deals!
What makes us so different?
The offers on BasinDeals are updated in real-time with the best offers and specials from local merchants. If your local retailer has a sale or special RIGHT NOW, they can add it to the app and it’s immediately available to you.
You get the deal the merchant offers without having to buy anything to save. Unlike those other apps, there’s no need to spend a minimum amount for a discount voucher to lock in the deal – a voucher that you might lose later!
Redeem the offer directly from your smartphone.
All offers are also available on our website ( and on our Facebook page so you have access from anywhere. You can even share the offers with others!
Sort by merchants and find the offers closest to you. Add favorites – such as restaurants, pet stores, coffee shops – however you like to shop! You can also set the app to see the offers that appeal to you.
We are the LOCAL expert. Most national apps don’t have the ability to appeal to the Mom & Pop retailers – but we do! This results in lots of offer choices for you.No scissors needed!
Looking to add your business to BasinDeals? Contact us today via email at [email protected] or by phone at (432) 333-7602.